Randy is the president and founder of BELi. He grew up on a pig farm outside Stratford and discovered building science while pursuing his undergraduate and master’s degrees at the University of Waterloo.
He is an expert in the fields of building science and life cycle analysis, and has extensive experience in project risk assessments, field review, masonry testing, hygrothermal modelling, and a wide range of insulation retrofit strategies.
During his 20 years in the industry, Randy has worked with clients across North America. He also led a large scale housing research study for the United Nations Development Programme in Outer Mongolia, worked as an HVAC designer in Australia, and has been involved in building enclosure monitoring and testing programs in the US and New Zealand.
In 2020, he decided to create his own company to fill a niche of a truly client-focused laboratory and consulting company bringing building and sustainability science to the industry. London, Ontario, served as an ideal location since he had created many connection while completing his doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western University.
He’s quick to explain that he envisions BELi playing a supporting (but specialized and expert) role in building projects, whether for architects, engineering firms, or residential builders. BELi takes pride that our consulting services focus on buildings in our London community.
In addition to laboratory testing and analysis, training and teaching are fundamental to his vision. He supports project collaborations enabling mutual learning and sharing of insights. He conducts in-house trainings, lab demonstrations, lectures at universities, and has taught building science and life cycle analysis topics at various colleges and universities. Along with others on the team, he shares testing datasets, field measurements, and other insights in conference presentations and publications.
His vision for the office is to create a space of excellence while enriching the lives of everyone who is part of the BELi team.