A client-focused laboratory and consulting company bringing building and sustainability science and education to the industry



BELi staff provide educational offering from online and live events to hands-on workshops.

BELi team members are encouraged and supported in pursuing academic teaching opportunities alongside their professional work. This allows them to both share their knowledge and gain skills.

They have taught sustainability science, building science, and building performance courses at Toronto Metropolitan University and George Brown College in Toronto and at Fanshawe College in London.

BELi team members also share out gathered insights with industry at various conferences and through professional education.


What we offer

Check out our Events page for upcoming learning opportunities

or see what we are up to on LinkedIN

Education: The sharing of knowledge and expertise with the intent of enabling the student. It is not pitching whatever product or service you sell along with some clever building science factoids. The latter is marketing which also has an important but different role and place in the industry.

Science: The systemic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence.

education graphic

Sustainability: Defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (reference Bruntland). Strictly applying this definition to building is difficult because we currently use fossil fuels and other resources for most of our buildings. Sustainable Buildings are those that make a significant step toward achieving the goal of sustainability relative to a facility of its type that would otherwise be constructed or operated as expected in its application.