IR Thermography for Building Envelopes – London

Building Enclosure Labs 71 Wellington St, London, Ontario, Canada

This event is a hands-on learning and networking event that begins at our BELi lab. Participants will receive an IR thermography for building enclosures overview, challenge our escape room, detect and document air leaks in our building using pressurization assisted IR thermography, and then join an IR walking tour surveying existing and new buildings with […]

Masonry Properties in the Kitchen – Session 1

This two-part workshop has participants measure absorption coefficient, dry density, free water saturation, reference water content, and vapour permeance wet cup and dry cup material properties of select masonry samples using common kitchen equipment. Do Masonry Testing in your Office or Kitchen! Registration includes a test kit with Precision lab scale Most lab supplies and […]

Masonry Properties in the Kitchen – Session 2

This two-part workshop has participants measure absorption coefficient, dry density, free water saturation, reference water content, and vapour permeance wet cup and dry cup material properties of select masonry samples using common kitchen equipment. Do Masonry Testing in your Office or Kitchen! Registration includes a test kit with Precision lab scale Most lab supplies and […]

Old Masonry Hygrothermal Modelling in WUFI – Session 1


The course has participants conduct WUFI hygrothermal modelling for a typical heritage masonry retrofit project. Interior spray foam and mineral wool with smart vapour barrier approaches are modelled. WUFI Model with Confidence! Registration includes Receive a full a WUFI Pro v6 trial licence BELi staff will provide 1 hr of participants model review outside of […]

Old Masonry Hygrothermal Modelling in WUFI – Session 2


The course has participants conduct WUFI hygrothermal modelling for a typical heritage masonry retrofit project. Interior spray foam and mineral wool with smart vapour barrier approaches are modelled. WUFI Model with Confidence! Registration includes Receive a full a WUFI Pro v6 trial licence BELi staff will provide 1 hr of participants model review outside of […]

Enbridge Whole Building Air Tightness Testing Workshop


This workshop teaches participants how to perform air tightness testing following ASTM E3158. The workshop is led by instructors with significant experience performing air tightness testing on large buildings. Participants are instructed how to use multiple blower doors and how to perform guarded testing. The instructions are hands-on and require participants to setup blower doors, […]

Building Enclosure Monitoring Workshop


Participants will prepare a variety of sensors, assemble system inter-wiring and program data acquisition modules for the purpose of monitoring building enclosures. The 1-day course reviews sensors theory, experimental design, sensor construction and wiring, measurement system wiring and multiplexing, measurement system programming and commissioning. Participants will take home sensors and may take a complete kit […]

Construction Building Envelope Deficiencies Workshop

Building Enclosure Labs 71 Wellington St, London, Ontario, Canada

This course is led by building enclosure consultant and forensics experts with extensive on-site experience. The course covers common air barrier installation issues through a review of previous project site photos and deficiency reports. The course is targeted at both designers and contractors. This event will count towards 4 hours of structured learning towards OAA […]

Air Tightness Large Buildings Workshop 1

Building Enclosure Labs 71 Wellington St, London, Ontario, Canada

This workshop is taught at the BELi lab in London Ontario. Participants learn how to perform air tightness testing by testing our building. Guarded testing and multiple blower door tests are performed. Forensics such as fogging with pressurization are used to find air leaks. Participants interested in learning about air tightness testing and those performing […]

Air Tightness Large Buildings Workshop 2

Building Enclosure Labs Toronto

This course is similar to the London, Ontario event but conducted in Toronto. Each event will count towards 5 hours of structured learning towards OAA and PEAK continuing education units *Time to be determined

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